3D Mortar

The 3D Mortar that we have developed allows the creation of surprising and complex structures, challenging the limits of magination completely changing the way we conceive spaces.
3D mortar is a revolutionary construction system that has gained popularity in recent years due to its ability to create three-dimensional and customised designs. This innovative material combined with artisanal techniques and cutting-edge technology has opened up new possibilities in the field of construction, allowing the creation of unique and attractive structures and architectural elements.
It's a single-component mortar specially developed for use in 3D mortar printers in construction work, it has extensive advantages, both in terms of efficiency and construction time, as well as in the ability to customise and design.
With AYMAR 3D mortar, every corner and every detail can be modelled and created according to one's own specifications, guaranteeing unique and surprising results.

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