Adimar Flexible

Adimar Flexible ceramic tile adhesive manufactured by AYMAR S.A.U. is an improved cementitious adhesive with reduced slip, extended open time and deformable type C2TES1 in accordance with the UNE-EN 12004:2017 standard, designed with marble aggregates, cement and special additives that give it adhesion, slip and water retention properties suitable for laying ceramic tiles.


Composed of crushed marble aggregates used in construction (EN 12620 and EN 13139), Portland cement (EN 197-1 and UNE 80601) and additives of both organic and inorganic nature that give it better characteristics in adhesion, sliding and transverse deformation.


Made in Spain. 

  • Application field
  • Instructions of use
  • Recomendations of use

Adimar Flexible has ideal characteristics for the installation of ceramic, marble, stone or similar small and large format pieces, absorbent or non-absorbent, on mortar, concrete, large format brick, marble, terrazzo, prefabricated blocks, plaster, plasterboard, anhydrite, etc., supports. In exterior applications (facade coatings, etc.) and interior (large surface pavements, etc.). Thanks to its flexibility, it is able to withstand thermal shocks and small differential movements produced by the substrate, making it suitable for radiant heating floors and applications on floors with heavy traffic, being even suitable for immersion, e.g. swimming pools. Suitable for overlaying on old stoneware floor and wall tiles.

  • Preparation of the substrate: The substrate on which the application is to be carried out must be resistant, dry, level, free of dust and free of any traces of release agent.
  • Preparation of the mixture: add 8-8.5 l of water per bag and mix manually or mechanically, with a low speed electric mixer, to eliminate any possible presence of lumps in the paste, allow the mixture to stand for 5 min. and carry out a brief re-mixing.
  • Application of the paste: Apply the product on the substrate using a toothed flame, to regularize the thickness, in a maximum extension of 2 m2, applying sufficient pressure so that the minimum contact with the cement is 80%. Place the tiles, pressing them until the grooves are flattened and the tiles are correctly set with the help of a rubber mallet. It is necessary to verify, with the fingertips, periodically that the adhesive has not formed a film on its surface, if this happens the product must be combed again taking into account that we are still in the margin of the open time of this (if the temporary strip since its application has exceeded the above mentioned open time the adhesive must be removed and reapplied).
  • The application temperature must be between 5 °C and 35 °C on the substrate.
  • Do not apply on substrates with residual humidity > 5%.
  • Check the planimetry of the substrate with a 2 m ruler, verifying that the deviations must be less than 5 mm. In the case of superior deviations it is necessary to regularize them before the placement.
  • Do not apply if frost is foreseen or in full sun.
  • It is advisable to leave a minimum joint between tiles of 2 mm applying the UNIVERSAL JOINT 0/15 ADIMAR or the TECHNICAL JOINT 0/16.
  • On very absorbent substrates it is advisable to moisten it and wait until it is dry.
  • Maximum recommended thickness: 10 mm.
  • In applications on ceramic pavement it is recommended to eliminate the badly adhered pieces, to make a superficial sanding and a double gluing.
  • Always double glue for pieces of large format (> 1200cm2) or high weight and on supports with radiant heating, which must be turned off 24h before the application.
  • On deformable substrates (plasterboard), check the rigidity of the partition and that the residual humidity is < 3%. If the support is weak, apply a surface hardening treatment by means of a primer.
  • Do not apply on dead plaster that has received a thin layer of final plaster.
  • Cold rooms must remain turned off until the adhesive curing is completed, a minimum of 7 days depending on the environmental conditions.
  • If used in swimming pools, the pool can be refilled 7 days after application.
  • For large format ceramics (the longest side of the tile > 1,5m) or for ceramic sheets (3,6mx1,5m) apply Adimar Superflex


  • In facade cladding: leave a minimum joint of 5 mm, applying ADIMAR UNIVERSAL JOINT 0/15 or TECHNICAL JOINT 0/16.
  • Make expansion joints every 30 m2 in large formats or every 60 m2 in small formats as well as perimeter joints on cornices, slab overhangs and respect the structural joints of the building.
  • To prevent water from entering the bonding layer, which would favor detachment in the event of frost, protect the upper edges of the cladding with metal profiles, flashing, etc.
  • Do not apply on tiles with a high coefficient of expansion.
  • For sizes greater than 2400 cm2 or weights greater than 40 Kg/m2 it is essential to use mechanical anchors or safety staples and double gluing.
  • In ceramic overlaps, remove poorly adhered pieces and fill the gaps the day before application. Make sure that the ceramic tile is free of grease or wax, sanding it if necessary.