Adimar Flexible ceramic tile adhesive manufactured by AYMAR S.A.U. is an improved cementitious adhesive with reduced slip, extended open time and deformable type C2TES1 in accordance with the UNE-EN 12004:2017 standard, designed with marble aggregates, cement and special additives that give it adhesion, slip and water retention properties suitable for laying ceramic tiles.
Composed of crushed marble aggregates used in construction (EN 12620 and EN 13139), Portland cement (EN 197-1 and UNE 80601) and additives of both organic and inorganic nature that give it better characteristics in adhesion, sliding and transverse deformation.
Made in Spain.
Adimar Flexible has ideal characteristics for the installation of ceramic, marble, stone or similar small and large format pieces, absorbent or non-absorbent, on mortar, concrete, large format brick, marble, terrazzo, prefabricated blocks, plaster, plasterboard, anhydrite, etc., supports. In exterior applications (facade coatings, etc.) and interior (large surface pavements, etc.). Thanks to its flexibility, it is able to withstand thermal shocks and small differential movements produced by the substrate, making it suitable for radiant heating floors and applications on floors with heavy traffic, being even suitable for immersion, e.g. swimming pools. Suitable for overlaying on old stoneware floor and wall tiles.